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게시물 상세
[의료기기 동향] FDA clears Pear's digital insomnia therapeutic through 510(k), Pre-Cert pilot pathways
작성자 : 관리자  작성일 : 20.03.30   조회수 : 417  
Somryst, a prescription digital therapeutic combining cognitive behavioral therapy and personalized sleep restriction, is the first software product to put the FDA's early Precertification Program framework through its paces.

관련기사 : https://peartherapeutics.com/pear-therapeutics-obtains-fda-authorization-for-somryst-a-prescription-digital-therapeutic-for-the-treatment-of-adults-with-chronic-insomnia/
이전글 [의료기기 동향] 코로나19 검체 의료기기 임상시험 매칭 지원 안내
다음글 [이슈 리포트] 디지털치료제 기술동향과 산업전망